This is a legacy guide that is no longer supported and may contain errors.


This guide provides sequential instructions to create a test order and verifies the API requests performed in the Dropship Order Management Guide.

Who Is This Guide For?

You may be interested in this guide if you are


To use this guide, the following steps must be completed:

If the above steps are not complete or you are not sure, contact API Support.

Postman Example

iQmetrix uses Postman when testing and debugging our APIs.

For Chrome or Mac users, click the button below to import the collection directly into Postman.

Alternatively, you can download the collection by clicking here.

Figure 1: Showcases which variables must be filled prior to creating the test orders. The remaining variables (not shown in figure) will be automatically populated based on the steps below.

postman screenshot

Table 1: Test Data Variables for Environment

| Property | Description | Example | |:———|:————|:——–| | CompanyId | Company | {the provided company ID} | | CustomerId | Customer | {the customer ID from section 3} | | OrderId | Order | {the order ID from section 4} | | BillingAddressId | Address | {the address ID from section 3} | | ShippingAddressId | Address | {the address ID from section 3} | | AddressTypeId | AddressType | 2 (Home) | | CatalogItemId | CatalogItem | {catalog ID corresponding to your SKU } | | CustomerTypeId | CustomerType | 2 (Person) | | LocationId | Location | {the location ID from section 2} | | ItemStatusId | ItemStatus | 1 (new dropship order), 15 (shipment) | | ItemTypeId | ItemType | 1 (dropship), 4 (shipping) | | OrderTypeId | OrderType | 1 (Sales order placed by customer) | | ShippingOptionId | Identifier for your shipping endpoint | 101 | | SKU | Sku Identifier` | {your supplier SKU} | | SupplierId | Supplier identifier | {your supplier ID} | | VendorId | See SupplierId | {your supplier ID} | | VendorSku | See SKU | {your supplier SKU} |


Step 1 - Authentication

In order to make authorized requests to iQmetrix APIs, you need an AccessToken.

See Obtaining an Access Token.

The token is placed in the Authorization header of requests to iQmetrix APIs, prefixed by the word Bearer.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)

Step 2 - Getting the Company Data

The goal of this step is to get catalog IDs corresponding to your vendor SKUs, as well as a list of company locations. The LocationId is required to create an order.

Step 2.1 - Getting the Catalog IDs

First, Get CatalogItems by Vendor SKU.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Example Response
HTTP 200 Content-Type: application/json

  "Sku": "802975857401",
  "VendorId": 14107,
  "Items": [
      "RmsId": "",
      "Slug": "M1510",
      "CatalogItemId": "1215456d-ea93-4adb-bc87-90b1f173d4f3",
      "IsArchived": false

Step 2.2 - Getting Company Locations

Getting the company tree is the quickest way to retrieve a list of company locations. Each Node Id corresponds to a LocationId to be used in Step 4.1.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Example Response
HTTP 200 Content-Type: application/json
    "Id": 14146,
    "Name": "Kentel Corp",
    "Description": "Wireless accessories provider with store locations all across the globe.",
    "Role": "Company",
    "Nodes": [
            "Id": 14159,
            "Name": "T-hut Wireless",
            "Description": "Division of Kiosks",
            "Role": "Division",
            "Nodes": []

Step 3 - Setting Up a Dropship Customer

The first step when creating a dropship test order is to setup a customer account. The address for this customer will be used for the shipping endpoint of the order. In this scenario, we will be shipping a product to the customer’s address.

Step 3.1 - Getting an Existing Customer

Prior to creating a customer account, it is much quicker to use an existing customer.

Step 3.1a - Getting Customer Information

By getting a list of customers, you can simply grab any customer ID for your testing.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Example Response

Any of the Ids from the response list can be used for your testing.

HTTP 200 OK Content-Type: application/json

    "Id": "59a9a9df-fda4-4041-abd9-659331e56e78",
    "CustomerTypeId": 2,
    "CustomerType": "Person",
    "Title": null,
    "PrimaryName": "Tony",
    "AlternateName": null,
    "MiddleName": null,
    "FamilyName": "Stark",
    "DateOfBirth": null,
    "Notes": null,
    "Disabled": false,
    "DoNotContact": false,
    "Version": 1
    "Id": "5d3eb8a2-0e8a-4d70-858d-6b2812741ab1",
    "CustomerTypeId": 2,
    "CustomerType": "Person",
    "Title": null,
    "PrimaryName": "Hugo",
    "AlternateName": null,
    "MiddleName": null,
    "FamilyName": "Victor",
    "DateOfBirth": null,
    "Notes": null,
    "Disabled": false,
    "DoNotContact": false,
    "Version": 1

Step 3.1b - Getting Customer Address

Once you have the customer ID, the next step is to retrieve the customer’s address.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Example Response

Any of the Ids from the response list can be used for your testing.

HTTP 200 OK Content-Type: application/json

    "Id": "c07f9cc5-ec81-42d5-a7b0-55de9f073ac1",
    "CustomerId": "59a9a9df-fda4-4041-abd9-659331e56e78",
    "AddressTypeId": 2,
    "AddressType": "Home",
    "Default": false,
    "DoNotContact": false,
    "CountryCode": "US",
    "Country": "United States",
    "Locality": "Orlando",
    "StateCode": "FL",
    "State": "Florida",
    "PostalCode": "32801",
    "PostOfficeBoxNumber": "",
    "StreetAddress1": "Address Line 1",
    "StreetAddress2": "Address Line 2",
    "Notes": null,
    "Version": 1,
    "AttentionTo": null,
    "Phone": "",
    "Email": ""

Step 3.2 - Creating a Customer for Dropship

Should there not be any existing customers in the company, then the next step would be to create a customer and assign it an address.

Step 3.2a - Create a Customer

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
    "CustomerTypeId": 2,
    "Title": "Ms",
    "PrimaryName": "Princess",
    "FamilyName": "Jasmine",
    "DateOfBirth": "2014-05-08T16:53:12.15",
    "Notes": "Interested in iPhone 6",
    "Disabled": false,
    "DoNotContact": false

Step 3.2b - Adding a Billing Address

The billing address is required in order to bill the customer. Ensure AddressTypeId is set to 2 for Home.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
    "AddressTypeId": 2,
    "Default": true,
    "DoNotContact": false,
    "CountryCode": "CA",
    "Locality": "Yellowknife",
    "StateCode": "NT",
    "PostalCode": "X1A 3X7",
    "StreetAddress1": "4702 Anderson-Thomson Blvd",

Step 4 - Creating an Order for Dropship

The next step is to fill in the order entry based on the values you’ve recorded from the earlier steps.

Step 4.1 - Creating the Order Content

Ensure that the TenderId has a non-null value. Typically this value is the initials of the location, followed by 101IN, and then a unique integer. For example, TW101IN18 corresponds to T-hut Wireless 101 Invoice 18.

Ensure that you add OrderId from the response into the Postman environment variables.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
    "OrderTypeId": 1,
    "EntityId": {LocationId},
    "BillingCustomerId": "{CustomerId}",
    "Name": "Samsung Battery Order", 
    "EmployeeId": 166151,
    "OrderExpiryHours": 72,
    "BillingAddressId": "{AddressId}",
    "ShippingAddressId": "{AddressId}",
    "ShippingCustomerId": "{CustomerId}",
    "TenderId": "TW101IN18"        

Step 4.2 - Adding a Product Item

Ensure that ItemStatusId and ItemTypeId are set to 1 for new dropship order.

Ensure that the ShippingOptionId refers to one of your Shipping Options IDs. This ID comes from the response of your Shipping Options endpoint.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
    "ItemStatusId": 1,
    "ItemTypeId": 1,
    "Cost": 20.49,
    "Description": "{}",
    "Index": 1,
    "ListPrice": 39.99,
    "ProductId": "{CatalogItemId}",
    "SellingPrice": 39.99,
    "Quantity": 1,
    "SKU": "{SKU}",
    "ShippingOptionId": "{ShippingOptionId}",
    "SupplierEntityId": {SupplierId}

Step 4.3 - Adding a Shipping Item

Ensure that ItemStatusId is set to 15 for shipping and ItemTypeId is set to 4 for shipping order.

Ensure that the ShippingOptionId refers to one of your Shipping Options IDs.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
    "ItemStatusId": 15,
    "ItemTypeId": 4,
    "Cost": 0,
    "Description": "{}",
    "Index": 2,
    "ListPrice": 12.16,
    "SellingPrice": 12.16,
    "Quantity": 1,
    "ShippingOptionId": "{ShippingOptionId}",
    "SupplierEntityId": {SupplierId}

Step 4.4 - Processing the Order

The final step is to process the order.

Example Request
Authorization: Bearer (Access Token)
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
   "OrderId": "{OrderId}"

Next Steps

Now that you have completed one order you can repeat Step 4 as many times as you wish.

To get the order notification feed, refer to the Dropship Order Management Guide.